Shooting Photos in the Rainforest

Belize Rainforest, Bladen Nature Reserve
Reading Time: 4 mins

I recently returned from an expedition into the tropical rainforests of Belize, I went deep into one of Toledo’s most wild areas, the Bladen Nature Reserve. I traveled with rangers from a grass roots organization called Ya’axche Conservation Trust to photograph and document a recently discovered Harpy Eagle’s nest. It had been two years since I ventured deep into Belizean jungle, and every day I gave thanks for the past experience I gained in managing camera gear and my body in the difficult rainforest environment. I sort of learned all over again what I already knew.

Here are 20 things I can pass on should you want to risk taking your expensive camera gear to document one of the most wild and beautiful habitats on earth.

Tips for shooting photographs in the Belizean Rainforest

1. Sturdy, comfortable footwear is probably the most important consideration. Nothing stops you in your tracks faster than blisters and soar feet, especially in a wet environment where breaks in your skin never heal. I found a pair of Danner Longhorn boots that work for me – twelve hours a day of moving over slick sharp limestone, sticky mud and deep rivers without a thought about my feet.

2. Pack light, each ounce counts when carrying gear for extended times. At one point, one of the Maya rangers, noticing I was slowing down, offered to carry my 5 lbs carbon fiber tripod – I felt like 20 lbs had been lifted from my back.

3. You will be wet all the time – as will your clothes. It is important to maintain a dry set of clothing to change into at camp in the evenings.

4. It gets surprisingly cold at night in the rainforest. The first night I found myself shivering around 3am.

5. Related to number four, while sleeping in your hammock, it is more important what is underneath you than what is on top of you if you want to stay warm. A sleeping pad or a thick layer of anything is a must.

6. As far as logistics go, do not count on someone you do not know or just met, be as self-sufficient as possible if you are dealing with someone for the first time. This means taking care of your own food, transportation and equipment.

7. An experienced Maya porter/ranger is a must. They are strong, possess incredible stamina, and know how to live in the forest – you can easily into trouble or lost on your own. The machete is an extension of their bodies, and the forest is a lumberyard; they can construct tables, platforms, rain shades in seconds from forest vegetation. I usually spread out plastic under my hammock to store my camera gear only to find the plastic gets dirty and torn with use. The guides cut a palm frond, slit it at the top down the middle and created a five inch high padded platform with four forked sticks, two poles and a bunch of split palm as quick as it took me to spread out my plastic.

8. You better like rice – morning, noon and night.

9. Ants are everywhere. I carried a small container of peanut butter, each night screwing the cap on tight. Without fail, each morning the ants found their way inside. And they can bite through your clothing, watch where you sit!

10. Drink as much water as possible. Heat and dehydration induced headaches can be incapacitating (Extra Strength Excedrin is a life saver, Aleve at night). And be sure to check on the safety of drinking from tropical rivers and streams, the locals will know.

11. When hiking with a load, short breaks can rejuvenate when tired (10-15 minutes every couple of hours).

12. When the going gets tough, shorten the length of time you think ahead of. Instead of thinking you have hours to go, make it to the next 10 minutes, or five minutes, or a minute – especially when going up a hill.

13. If your lenses fog, swing your camera around to move air over the lens surface and then quickly take the photo before it fogs again.

14. Watch where you put your hands – every time. Thorns, needles and biting ants are in abundance in places that are natural for your hand to grab.

15. Check for ticks during and after the expedition. They can be tiny; the size of a pin head. I found eight after my trip, when I got home my wife found 17 more.

16. Be in shape. The heat combined with constantly having to balance on wet slippery surfaces takes its toll on your endurance, joints and muscles.

17. Late evening and early mornings in the forest are magical; the sounds, the changeover from day to night creatures, the stars over forest breaks and river runs, the mist, all is phenomenal.

18. Keep your skin away from any glass surfaces on your camera gear, the cloud of moisture from your body will fog your lenses and mirrors and LCD screens.

19. Zip-lock bags save the day; all camera gear should be packed in these bags.

20. You will have to fight for your photos. The tangled mass of green is overwhelming; the shadows and sunlight contrast; the wildlife sees, hears and smells you long before you see, hear or smell them; birth, growth, struggle, death and decay are all piled on top of each other and constantly happen all around you – everything is either eating, being eaten, reproducing or dying. The ability to not only exist but to thrive in such an environment should only fill you with wonder at the resilience and tenacity of life – respect to the natural world.

I am sure there are many more… feel free to comment with your own tips.



Reader Interactions


  1. Cassie says

    Great tips. But how do you keep your camera dry while shooting? Or is a little moisture okay? If so, how much too much? I know not to take it out if it is pouring but what if its just misty?

  2. Agness Walewinder says

    Awesome tips. I need to buy a proper camera first. Any recommendations for an amateur?

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