Crooked Tree Wildlife Sanctuary

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Crooked Tree Wildlife Sanctuary in Belize

The Crooked Tree Wildlife Sanctuary is a national protected area of natural wetlands savannas, lagoons, and creeks. With its ecological importance and abundant wildlife, the area is an important destination for birders and eco-tourists from around the world.

Birdwatching in Crooked Tree Wildlife Sanctuary

The wildlife sanctuary is home to over 300 species of migratory, resident, terrestrial and aquatic birds, in addition to crocodiles, howler monkeys, iguanas, and several other wildlife that are exclusive to tropical regions.

The best way to explore the sanctuary is through a Birding Boat Tour. This is because when exploring by boat, you are bound to get up close to the flora and fauna. Expect your tour guide to easily spot various types of wildlife and explain their appearance, habitat, migration patterns and seasonal activities.

Crooked Tree Village welcome sign

Visiting Crooked Tree Village, located on an island at the center of the sanctuary, is the first step to enjoy the beautiful nature and wildlife of the surrounding area.

The village is known as one of the oldest Creole communities in Belize, providing a unique cultural experience. Crooked Tree also offers eco-tours, outdoor activities, and many essentials for tourists such as accommodations, meals, and transportation.

Click here for a list of the top things to do in Crooked Tree Village!